Dealing with Depression

 Depression can be VERY real, especially during times of a pandemic, or whenever winter comes. The question is, how do you know when you have depression? Well, to be honest, depression is different for everyone, depending on what caused their depression to begin with. For me, it's because of my health. You see, when January 13th approaches, that date is a really scary one for me, because in the year of 2012 I believe, was when I was first rushed off to the hospital with a blood count of 11, going as far down as a 9. I ended up being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, and later on Crohn's. So, because that day was SUCH a traumatic day for me, I'm going to share with you how to recognize when you've got depression too.

I'm very creative, and I enjoy being an artist and a musician, but lately, I just haven't been interested in doing ANYTHING but playing on my video games because of the escape from reality in which they give. Video games have been my medicine. However, I KNOW how unhealthy playing games all day can be, so I've asked my mom to pull out our indoor sunlight machine to help her and I receive those much-needed sun rays (even in a machine it can be good, but obviously not as good as the real sun, so if you can get outside and play, all the better). That is step one for recovering from depression. Getting lots of Vitamin D. 

Step 2, is writing your feelings out on paper, and by doing so you are not only acknowledging your depressed state but are wanting to get better. In order to get better, you need to know why you're depressed, and once you've figured out the why your support group can help you create goals to help you get better. 
